In April 2022, CK Spas approached 3 different athletes who compete in 3 different sports to find out what they thought of a Hydropool swim spa. One such athlete was Marie-Josée D'Amours, a former open water swimmer and member of FINA. Marie-Jossée has participated in open water swimming competitions around the world.
Having an experienced athlete like Marie-Josée test a Hydropool swim spa and give feedback on the experience, the good and the bad is important to us at CK Spas as it allows us to pass the opinions on to Hydropool to improve the product as well that we help educate and guide future customers to the swim spa that will meet their needs, especially if they are athletic.

Marie-Josée did her swimming test in a 2021 Hydropool 16EX Executive AquaTrainer.
This model features Hydropool's patented V-Twin jets, giving you the clearest, most predictable swim that doubles the volume of water, creating 6400 liters per minute, plus new VFX variable-speed pumps that allow for current speeds up to 11 km/h. Continuous shell design with the perfect current collector at the back of the spa. And of course with Hydropool's world-famous self-cleaning technology, which reduces water maintenance. Giving you more time to train in your swim spa. The perfect swim spa for athletes.

For Marie-Josée trying the swim spa was a new and exciting experience. It didn't take him long to find the ideal position in front of the jets to enjoy a continuous swim. She also tried out a pair of our FORM goggles, which come with all Trainer models in 2023. For her, the benefit of using them was to have more accurate tracking of her swimming distance and not needing s stop to check.
"The FORM goggles have a kind of built-in computer that shows us in the goggle the distance we've covered, the calories burned, how long we've been swimming and all that so it can allow us to follow up on our workouts." - Marie-Josee
For many people, including Marie, staying active is important to a healthy lifestyle. But for her, it's also an important way to help manage her pain from health issues. During her interview, she touches lightly on the benefits of staying active and why having a home swim spa is beneficial. If you too are looking for a way to stay physically and mentally fit, a swim spa can be a great addition to your backyard.
For the full interview click here. Please note that this interview is only available in French.