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Can swim spas be moved?
One advantage of purchasing a swim spa over a traditional swimming pool is the fact that you can move it. Whether you've sold your house...

The Impact of the Wildfires on Your Pool
As many are experiencing, wildfires have been burning across the country. Here are a few things to watch out for: Elevated sanitizer...

Why is my water Green?
Is green water a huge problem? No, but it still requires correcting to prevent damages to your spa components.

Why is maintaining proper Calcium Hardness levels so important?
It is important to maintain proper levels of alkalinity, pH and calcium hardness, but here I will focus on calcium hardness since from my re

How to use Mineraluxe
In this article I will cover how to use Mineraluxe, from start to finish, whether you’re using it in a brand new hot tub or are switching...

Metals in my water, what can I do?
We have several customers struggling with problems due to metals in their water, mainly customers from Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac or those...
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