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CK Spas - Winner of the Art of Water 2022 for the spa & hot tub category.
The Art of Water awards by Pool & Spa Marketing magazine and their sister publication Pools, Spas & Patios, honors the top design and...

Visit to Coast Spas
At the end of November I took a short two day trip out to Langley, British Columbia to visit Coast Spas to see new models for 2023.

Why is maintaining proper Calcium Hardness levels so important?
It is important to maintain proper levels of alkalinity, pH and calcium hardness, but here I will focus on calcium hardness since from my re

How to use Mineraluxe
In this article I will cover how to use Mineraluxe, from start to finish, whether you’re using it in a brand new hot tub or are switching...

Dana, co-owner of CK Spas becomes 2023 panel member for SpaRetailer Magazine
Proud to announce that Dana, co-owner of CK Spas, has been chosen to be a 2023 panel member for SpaReatiler magazine.

CK Spas, the new Coast Spas Retailer
CK Spas is very pleased to bring you a second Canadian premium spa brand, and the only brand to bring you the infinity edge spa.
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